Chetan Bhagat’s “Two States”

One of his best books

I and Books

I have liked this book from Chetan Bhagat most as compared to his other books, even better than “Five Point Someone”. It is a  very simple story where you almost know what is going to be the end but you are curious to read how it is going to happen. The beauty of the book is not in the story as much as it is in the narration of completely different cultures of north and south of India. Again the view is more from the Delhi Guy perspective but still it captures a lot of South Indian Tamil nuances.

The story also feels real to me since I have many friends who have married across different cultures and have gone through similar experiences. To an outsider, it might seem why I am calling it different culture because Krish and Ananya are both from India but Indians would know that Punjabis and Tamilians are as…

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2 responses to “Chetan Bhagat’s “Two States”

  1. In fact, it is the humorous etching out of the cultural differences that makes this narrative endearing!


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